Friday, May 28, 2010

Damn Fatness!!! everything I plan for gets jacked up. That being said, I am getting even more super excited for the "unofficial" start of Summer 2010 tomorrow!!!! I can't believe it's finally here. I don't even care that tomorrow's weather forecast just about sucks!! Yummy alcoholic beverages are calling my name. Super calling it, ever so loudly. For some reason to me yummy adult drinks = awesome fun. Just like last night after SATC 2, I came home and made a "wanna be" cosmo. That would be vodka and some cranberry/apple crystal light pack. Even as "wanna be" as it was, it was delicious!! (and yes, I counted the 3 pts for vodka) I told you I am ALL about this WW thing. At least until I am down another 20 pounds or so. And that is where my dilemma lies....Geez, I want to drink...not just a drink but several. So tomorrow I am going to eat lots of LOW point food so I can get my alcohol points in!!! I haven't used any of my 35 flex points this week and they will be divided up for the weekend alcohol as well. I have a goes....Saturday -- DRINKS and lots of them. Sunday -- just a few. Monday (day) -- I am laying off. Driving to OC for that girls' quick get together on Monday afternoon -- might have a celebratory beverage when we get there....idk. Then comes Tuesday night -- and a fresh 35 flex points -- thank GOD. They might be all used by Wednesday when I return to good ol' A Town but at least I have a plan!!

Did I mention how super stoked I am about SUMMER 2010!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

No title, I'm just going without...

Since yesterday when I hit the "post" button I have been thinking over what to blog about next. I find it exciting that I have 2 followers so far...even though they are my friends and I think one just wants to keep tabs on me so I don't blog about her. But hey, two followers is two followers. I'm sure at some point there will be those other "followers" out there who just glance it over, read what I blog and then email it to others without me knowing so they can comment amongst themselves. Not that I've EVER done that. Hi, my name is Kim Catty!!

Chris read my blog last night. Not on his own or because he wanted to, more like, "hey I wrote this now read it." As I sat there while he read it, reading it myself, he did chuckle a few times. That made me happy. He either actually thought it was semi-funny or he was humoring me but bonus points for him!!! God knows I chuckle over and over again when I reread it 'cuz I sure do think it's funny.

So last evening was not my most fav!! I will spare you the awful details of water bottle battles, two bruises, a knot, Stewie biting my thigh, Chris puncturing his truck tire and it costing $261 to replace it, me GOING OFF on the guy who's house I parked in front of (when I knocked on his door and told him what I thought of his jackass ways) That was funny though. He never opened the storm door, I think he could see the rage in my eyes and let's be, rage and bike shorts are not a great combination. Then came my walk. By the time my partner and I , we'll call her Christine, well, because that's her name. So by the time Christine and I walked up into UMBC and got to "the hill" I felt like we had run a 5K (I was gonna say marathon but let's get real...I'd die at mile 3) It was so freakin' hot and humid last night. We've been walking long enough that we talk sometimes about how "the hill" is nice and shaded and how it doesn't seem so bad anymore. Someone needed to remind my stomach of those thoughts because half way up my dinner decided to make a small reappearance and then when we got to the top Christine thought she was gonna pass out ( I won't tell you that she looked like it too) so we tool a puke/pass out break. All that said, we made better time than usual even in the HEAT. Today is only better (a lot) better because we said, "Screw the walk!!" We are going to see Sex in the City instead. This is happening because two years ago Mom and I saw the first one when it first came out so I guess we've started tradition. Not that I mind tradition and I do love my mom to death, we are bffs (sometimes) and co-workers, she's really my boss but I like to forget that part (oh, PS I was on time today) all that said, there is just something about seeing a full naked man (beautiful and well endowed man) with your mom at the movies. I got over it though and she said she was going home that night, stripping down to her bday suit and offering up a buffet...not sushi but she had a can of tuna in the cupboard. Way to go Dad -- ewwww!!!!

Tomorrow I am heading to my hair girls' house for some summer blondeness!!! I asked Christine the other night if she thought I should grow it out, she said NO..yay her because this cut is so seriously easy!! Anyhow that discussion made me revisit why I got the short cut in the first place. It was just under 2 years ago and Black Jenn and I were at Center Court (w/ Stiff Mike they were dating she wasn't so black just stiff) Anyhow, this older guy....had to be drunk...said I reminded him of that Joe Dirt movie person. My first response, "Who, JOE DIRT?" "No, no that girl" he said. Finally we came up with , no, not Jamie Presley..., but Brittany Daniels. So I goggled her while at work. She is HOT. She is seriously hotter than hot and not to mention had an awesome short, blonde cut. So I printed some pix and emailed a few to my girl and that was that! I googled her again the day after Christine and I had that discussion and she is still HOT. What I did realize is, she is exactly what I think I look like. No, not when I look in the mirror or God forbid at pix of me now (delete, delete, delete) but in my head I am HER!!! I'm gonna share a pic with you so you can see the likeness.... Well, I guess you can't surprise someone with a pic, there are only a few layout options, none of which can put the pic after what I wrote. So you already saw her but now you know why! Iknow, you thought it was me at first. I can completely understand!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Still the beginning

Holy moley! That worked out so nice. It does have spell check, it highlights the "bad" words and then gives you suggestions. I just have to remember to change the time on the posts. I just posted that last one about 20 mins ago and it's 1:43pm the clock is a bit off.

Let's get stared on a bit of a bio. Not a long history but just what made me want to do this....

As I said, I am fat and fatter and fat and fatter always. Anyhow our community pool opens this weekend...YAY, can't wait. A couple months ago I tried on my bathing suit and wondered WTF...this can't be what I was looking like last year. Although it probably was I was just a bit paler. (just a bit 'cuz I love me some fake bake!) Anyhow, I of course knew it was time to start counting my WW points AGAIN! Me and WW go way back. We first met in August 2002 after my second child was born. Not right after, he was born in January and it took me that long to be TOTALLY disgusted. In fact I remember watching Oprah (funny, I swear he was conceived during Oprah too -- and I don't watch her all that much) Anyhow, watching Oprah and it was about weight loss and I knew (while eating the entire frozen pizza - I mean it was frozen before I baked it) I had to do something. SO the next day I went to WW and we fell in love!!! I lost a nice 50 pounds by April 2003. Damn, I looked good. But since then I have lost the same 40 pounds (I pride myself in not gaining those 8 final pounds back...LOL) about 4 times. Why am I back again???? Simply because Chris and I booked a trip to the Riviera Maya for a few days in October and I'd like to feel better than Jaba the Hut while there. Yes, Jaba...that's who I feel like when I'm fatter! Can't even move around to have the sex because I'm JABA! It's gross, I know.

We booked our trip on April 29 of this year. I got excited (and yes, still am) Anyhow, I bought a dress...I'm addicted to fun summer dresses...but my butt isn't!!! So I tried on this dress just knowing it would be PERFECT in Mexico. Um hello, not looking like that in it it wouldn't!!! EWWWW!!! Still, the dress wasn't enough. I started cleaning out a closet full of "fat" (not fatter) clothes to make space. I decide to try on a pair, okay, "the pair" of jean shorts -- not knee length either -- that I wore when those 50# (w/o exercise -- thanks not being 30 yr old yet) melted off my body. So the shorts come right up over my thighs and mu butt...woohoo...but I couldn't stuff all of the front fat into them to even think about buttoning or zipping those mf-ers! FATTER KIM!!!! that is what made me call a friend and tell her all about the front fat not fitting. She asked me what I wanted to do about it and she would help. I told her to meet me at UMBC the following evening, we were walking!!! ( don't think about stalking us there....we're still fat and we will kick your ass!!! just saying) We started walking, even though two days later was our favorite beer holiday, Cinco de Mayo. We did w/o the beer, huffed our asses up the hill and started counting points. That was 3 weeks ago. I am happy to say that we are still walking and counting and I am down 11 ...yes, count them, you'll need your toes too, 11 pounds!!! All that being said, I've learned NOT to eat turkey meatballs before a weigh in day -- the scale and turkey meatballs are clearly not friends! SO here I am 11 pounds down, feeling like I must be a size 10 by now (oh, hello mirror) and getting a little anxious about the Memorial Day wknd ahead. The pool opens and the pool = beers!! I LOVE beer. I might be becoming a friend of liquor this summer, more bang for your buck! So we have the opening wknd and then I am traveling to lovely OCMD for a short but hopefully very sweeeeeet girls' only trip. I can taste the Pain in da Asses now....

In the Beginning

Wow, here goes....I guess I've only blogged a few times on my MySpace, does that count? There are so many things going on in my head 1. does this baby have spell check? I'd like to tell you I am a GREAT typer but that would be lie numero uno. 2. I'm probably going to ramble and skip around but that's your problem not mine!! 3. So I'm typing in this "post box" what the hell is this shit gonna look like when I'm done. In fact I might want to make this short just so I can play with it a little (no ass, not myself -- this template shit!)

I was originally planning to "blog" my yet again, weight loss journey. Not that I've ever blogged it, I wrote in a journal about it before but I guess that is so 90's....but it's my "yet again" because I have always fought with my weight. Not because I was abused, not loved, have low self esteem or anything...simple fact -- weight loss takes WORK and I can be totally lazy. Being fat is easy, being trim :) not so much. There's so much planning involved. And although (can you start a sentence with and?) I have a "planner" sort of personality, just ask our friends, Chris' friends, I'll just call them our friends....well, it's either a planner thing or a need to be in control. Maybe that's why I plan other stuff - "cuz it's too much work to get my own ass in gear....ooooo, there's a thought. So as you can see, I will probably be blogging about lots of stuff, not just my fatness. I think I'm gonna save this (although it keeps auto-saving itself) and see what happens.