Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's been a while

I know, it's been a while. I haven't had much extra time...don't ask what I've been doing, 'cuz I have no idea :)

Let's take it back to July 4th weekend....ugh. Great Saturday (7/3) not such a great night after 8:30pm --- mind you my walking partner and I, we're not giving that person/dog a name because it changes so frequently, so partner and I had just completed a 4mile walk that morning (in an hour). I had just upped my walk to a 4 mile hour. Anyhow, 8:30pm --- jumped into pool and BOOM!!!!! there went my ankle/foot.....holy shit!!!! Needless to say, xrays the following day and loads of swelling I was back to walking 4 miles (just not as quickly) on Wednesday 7/7. So I've been religiously walking my 4 miles and speeding my time back up. Yesterday I skipped all together because I am almost to the point that I can't walk at all in the morning and my shins and ankles ache (hurt ache) all day long. Last night I applied an Icy Hot wrap and watched TV instead.....don't get mad OC elliptical and I will be reunited this evening for 12 days and I'll stay on track!!! (hopefully my entirely black toe nail will stay in place until I can wear socks and shoes in the winter -- thanks long toe nail that banged into my shoe) Oh, 23 pounds down!!!

We are getting ready to leave for vaca this afternoon....ahhh!!! Anyhow we are planning a deep sea fishing trip while there. So I ask Chris a "dumb" question...."What do I wear?" He responds, duh "Shorts and a shirt." Now most people would have known the answer to that but I however do NOT own shorts. So yesterday I went in search of a pair of "fishing shorts." If I had wanted to wear capris I wouldn't have gone shopping. If I had wanted to wear long, black pants or jean capris, I could have bought plenty. 3 pairs, not 3 styles but THREE PAIRS of shorts were to be found in Kohl's. One in my size (which isn't my size anymore ....nice) and one pair 2 sizes smaller (might be my size next month, I could squeeze into them) and one lots of sizes smaller. So no shorts! (mind you I was suppose to be at work so I couldn't shop all day) But I have decided people don't want fat chicks to wear shorts so they don't freakin' make them!!!! Yep, I'll be the only one deep sea fishing in a sundress :) Not really but don't think it didn't cross my mind.

I have a new love (yes, I'm having an affair) My new love is not only super cute but tasty too. Mini Baby Bell light cheese and light cheese spreadable wedges. YUMMO!!! Bestest ever and so stinking cute! Lots of varieties to keep me happy :)

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