Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I DID IT!!!!

Yep, on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 9:16 AM I screamed to downtown Baltimore that I am a runner with a very loud, "Yeah!" as I crossed the Baltimore Running Festival's 5K finish line!!! Friends said they heard me in the runner's recovery area and I saw the photo on marathonfoto.com, I was super, super excited!!! (already purchased my personalized video of me crossing the finish line)

Friday night Jenn W. and I took a nice walk around UMBC just to "limber up." I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to sleep Friday night. Chris and I went for a ride and I talked and talked. Poor guy, I know I just rambled about running and emotions and running and well emotions. I decided to go to bed around 10:30, assuming I would lay in bed tossing and turning. Boy, I was wrong. My alarm went off at 5:25 Saturday morning and at first I was confused but then, "Oh my shit!!! It's 5K day." Out of bed for a shower to wake up and then I hopped into my runner clothes. The KFCFB team met at my house at 6:30 and we were off to the lightrail to downtown B-more on an ever so cold, never run in temps this cold, morning. When we arrived, Camden Yards was already a buzz with over 20,000 people. This was really happening. I was so excited about everything that was going on I kept forgetting that at 8:30 AM I had to do my part in the Baltimore Running Festival's 10 year anniversary. Runners lined the streets in an array of attire. One guy wore a 4ft Dunkin' Donuts coffee cup costume and another guy in a full, faced covered and all, green neoprene suit. One 10 time runner wore a tux the entire marathon (all this and I was worried about a sleeves cut of old Ravens t-shirt)

The marathon began at 8AM with a parachuter and tons of confetti. And they were off for 26.2 miles...WOW!!

Okay, now that they are out of the way(LOL) it's time for us 5Kers to get to the starting line. They have pace markers on poles so that you can line up with others at your pace. HA HA, the last one was 14+ minutes...guess that's me. We didn't go that far back but we were 3 minutes and 16 seconds walking from the start line. Anxiety has now turned to excitement and I am READY!!! And we're off....walking to the start line, starting my watch and start running. It's cold and crowded. Walkers in are front of us and bobbing and weaving is needed. (not to mention a group of blind people to our left with canes. please don't trip me) Everyone warned me of "the hill." Yes, it was a little difficult because it was as soon as the race began (but I'm not sure I'd call it a hill, long incline absolutely) The four of us stayed together and hit the 1 mile marker at exactly 14 minutes. Within a half mile, Jenn W and Jaime we gone, their bobbing and weaving was a bit More efficient than mine. Thank God for my long time friend who downgraded from tri's to a 5K to run RIGHT ALONGSIDE ME!! YAY JENN HOLLAND!!! It seemed like it took forever to get to mile 2 (actually it only took 14:28). Everytime I started to doubt myself, JH took over with a lovely, keep me moving story. After mile 2 I knew I had this!! My feet never stopped running. They slowed for every marathon foto photographer along the way but they didn't stop. I had loads of fun talking to the spectators. Saying things like, "You can't just watch you need to scream for me too!" That really helped keep me in a good mood. As we approached the warehouse at Camden Yards, Jenn told me that she was stepping back and I needed to let my adrenaline take over. No Jenn, not yet, it's not here yet. I couldn't believe when there was just a little bit of the warehouse remaining. Then I saw it, the clock at the finish line. Yep, you heard me right, the FINISH LINE!!! JH stepped back and there I went, I couldn't believe it. The next thing you know I'm singing aloud to "Pump Up the Jam" and sort of dance/running. I'm looking at the spectators. When I saw my crew, I slowed quite a bit and waved and smiled. (Chris said he saw me and was thinking, "Stop dancing and smiling and run!!") I knew I had done it. My goal was to run it all in under 45 minutes. The timer said 46:16 as I crossed but my chip time (and watch) were 43:45. I did it!! I was taking it all in...and then with a loud "YEAH!" I crossed that line!!!

I'm not gonna lie, after I crossed the line, I felt GREAT. During the run, especially the first two miles. I did think to myself, maybe running isn't my thing. What the hell am I doing here? Then the other part of me butted in..."hello, you can and will do this. OWN IT!!!" I'm about to sign up for the Jingle Bell Run 5K which is downtown on December 12. (this is all in my "own it" plan) Also in my plan is to cross the marathon finish line before I turn 40!!! (I'll keep you posted on that one)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

From the Sofa to the Road

The other day (last day of C25K) I had a terrible mental breakdown, almost panic attack-ish. My legs hurt, I forgot how to breathe, I wanted to stop so bad and I was only about 13 minutes into my run. I didn't stop and I finished but I fought internally with my BRAIN almost the rest of the run. I was talking to a friend of mine later that day about it (she is a tri-athlete, completed 4 sprint tri's this season after completing her first 5K in 10/09. She is quite a motivation and she's been 'there.') We talked about how running is almost as mental as it is physical. She told me 'I need to want it more than I fear it!!' since that talk, this is now my mantra. I do want this and I will get this. I was on a running message board the other day and someone said that running never gets easy. We're always running a further distance or faster. Constantly testing and outdoing. It was 2 months to the day I started the program that I completed Couch to 5K. I am an overweight, 33 year old wife and working mother of 2. Now in addition to those things I am also a RUNNER. After this Saturday I will also consider myself an athlete. It's not so much about the weight anymore, it's more about what I know I am capable of. I want to scream to the world that I can and will do this. Last night I had my best run so far. I ran 3.06 miles in 39:50. That's a 14 minute mile, better than the 15 minute mile I had been running and most importantly so much better than the evenings on the sofa from just a few short months ago.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Post Mexcio

Well, it might have cost $1200 for me to get my ass in gear to lose some weight (and in turn enjoy some Caribbean Sea) and I think it was worth it. The Riviera Maya was truly the most beautiful place we've been to. It might have had something to do with our traveling companions - each other!!! Does that mean we should have never had kids? Nah, then we wouldn't know that we should appreciate our "down time." and boy, oh boy...that "down time" was AWESOME!!!

you can check out our pix here:

I ran in the morning (crack of dawn) before our plane left BWI (thx Jenn W). It was a tough one. We incorporated more inclines because we know the Balto 5K, which is on Oct 16, has a nice hill in the beginning. Needless to say the hills SUCKED! (we were then on w8d3, so 28 min runs) So that day's workout was out of the way and HELLO MEXICO. Saturday morning I awoke before sunrise and headed to the gym (CRAZY, I know!!!) Met a mexican elliptical there and we hit it off. (that was our last date however) I didn't work out on Sunday because I counted that as my day off. Plus when you don't get in from the discotheque until 4am, working out three hours later isn't exactly going to happen. In all honesty I had plans to run once we arrived back home Monday night but it was so late and I was whooped! Tuesday night 7pm, I hit the pavement. I know the first 4 mins of a run for me are the toughest to get through and that night was no different...hello week9day1....30 min runs!!!! (inclines included) Two more runs and I will be a Couch to 5K Graduate! WOOHOO me!!!

And that bring me to where I am today...not in the mood. WTF is going on with me? Wish I was still on vaca funk? I don't know!! What I do know is that I didn't exercise last night because I didn't feel like it. Not an excuse! I know I've got to get my head back into this. I only have 9 more days until my 5K. The 5K that I registered for before I even started running. The 5K I paid for hoping to run 30% of. The 5K I know I can run all of as of this point. But where is my motivation? and way am I so freakin' hungry??? All that being said, my running shoes and I have a date tonight, I just want to enjoy it.